This year The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is hosting a world wide art competition. The theme for the competition is "Tell me the stories of Jesus". I decided to enter the competition. I immediately knew what scene I wanted to do. My wife and I have been extremely blessed by keeping the commandment of tithing. We have found ourselves without money on several occasions and we always have had what we need to take care of our family. So when I heard the theme of the competition, I instantly thought of the story of the Widow's Mite. At the same time I thought of the scripture in Malachi that promises that the windows of heaven will be opened up and blessings will be poured out upon those who are faithful in paying their tithing. I thought that the two scriptures would make a very visual effect. In preparing for this piece I researched the temple in Jerusalem and tried to recreate the scene just as it might have occurred. I think I have it fairly close, much better than most of the old paintings of the Widows Mite story. Here are a bunch of pictures: