We tried to strap some dunnage 4x4s onto the tines to be able to span the distance to the back wall. As you can see by the picture, the shed was way too heavy and snapped two 4x4s in half. We gave it a few weeks to think about it and came back with a plan that ultimately worked.
We were able to get some tube steel to attach to the tines that spanned all the way across. We also tied the shed onto the fork lift to keep it from rocking.
Along with making sure we didn't hit any power lines on the way there, the scariest part was that to get it out of the back yard we had to lift it over one of the houses. Luckily both houses are going to be torn down. I don't know if I would have dared trying that stunt over an occupied house. We did loose a few shingles on the yellow house.
I almost forgot, we also flattened a chainsaw in the process.