Stained glass Salt Lake Temple in the light box frame |
Every year at Christmas we rotate through our siblings on who we buy presents for. In the past I have been giving each sibling a stained glass picture of the temple where they were married. This year we had my wife's sister Elizabeth. At first we thought we had her brother Jonathan, for whom I made a Manti Temple picture as a wedding gift a few years ago, so I thought I was off the hook as far as making a large stained glass project for Christmas. Come to find out just a little too late that we had Elisabeth instead. She and her husband were married years ago in the Salt Lake Temple. So, for Christmas I made them a stained glass picture of the Salt Lake LDS Temple. I had just finished my second version of the Salt Lake Temple which I think was my best work yet, but was a huge undertaking. I needed to come up with a much easier design because of the time constraint. I ended up with a still stunning straight on view from the east side with a basic coined diamond breakup for the sky. It ended up with about 100 more pieces than I wanted originally, but they were pretty much straight forward cuts so it wasn't that bad. Again, As I have done in th elast few pieces, I put it in a light box frame.